Restore your hairline and embrace your true self.


Begin your journey today.

At Moonlight Medical, we understand the impact that hair loss can have on your confidence and self-esteem. We offer hair transplant procedures tailored to your unique needs, collaborating with reputable specialists who excel in restoring your natural hairline.

About Hair Transplantation

What is a hair transplant?

A hair transplant is a surgical procedure that involves the transplantation of healthy hair follicles from a donor area to areas experiencing hair loss or thinning. It is a proven and effective solution for both men and women who wish to restore their hairline, improve hair density, and regain a full head of hair. With our dedication to excellence and working with leading hair transplant surgeons in Istanbul, Turkey, we can help you achieve a natural look and long-lasting result.

Man with new hairline marked in pen

Who is a Good Candidate for a Hair Transplant?

 If you are bothered by hair loss or thinning and are considering a hair transplant, you may be an excellent candidate for the procedure. Here are some factors that indicate you could benefit from a hair transplant:

Male or Female Pattern Baldness: Hair transplant is a viable option for individuals experiencing pattern baldness, whether male or female. It can address receding hairlines, thinning crowns, and bald patches, providing a fuller and more youthful appearance.

Stable Donor Hair: To undergo a hair transplant, it is essential to have a stable supply of donor hair. This hair is typically taken from the back or sides of the scalp, where hair follicles are genetically resistant to hair loss. Our skilled surgeons evaluate the quality and quantity of your donor hair to determine if it is suitable for transplantation.

Good General Health: As with any surgical procedure, being in good general health is recommended for a successful hair transplant. Our medical team will assess your overall health to ensure you are suitable for the procedure and minimize any potential risks.

Realistic Expectations: Having realistic expectations is crucial when considering a hair transplant. While the procedure can significantly improve the appearance of your hair, it is essential to understand the limitations and potential outcomes. Our team will guide you through the process, ensuring you have a comprehensive understanding of what to expect.

Man undergoing hair transplant

Hair Transplant Overview

Below is a breakdown of a typical hair transplantation package with maximum hair grafts. Note: the details may change depending on your specific case.

  • Round trip airport transfer

  • Transport to/from hospital

  • 3 night 5* hotel (a double room with two guests is allowable)

  • Preliminary tests 

  • Maximum hair grafts

  • 1 month of aftercare

Man with full head of hair after transplant

Schedule a consultation

Contact us today to book a private consultation and embark on your journey toward a more harmonious facial appearance and improved self-confidence.